Cyberviz Visualizer

Project Cyberviz was a project at RIT through a combined effort of the Interactive Games and Media and the Computing Security departments to create a data visualizer for cyber security competitions to link competitions at RIT to Esports. This push is one of the first on an academic level. As RIT is the host of the Collegiate Penetration Testing Competition (CPTC), our team used that competition as foundation for the prototypes and frameworks for the visualizer. We created several prototype frameworks, one being tested with live data for a weekend competition that was streamed to twitch.

Together with several students and faculty advisors, we created 4 iterations of the project, allowing it to serve as successful research. However, the project ended up being cut due to the lack of testability, since competitions were so infrequent and without significant testing, development issues arose. I was a part of 3 of the iterations, directly working with teams from the CPTC, NECCDC (North Eastern Colligate Cyber Defense Competition), the RIT Global Cybersecurity Institute, and the faculty leading the projects from both departments. This was a very interesting project and it succeeded to show the possibility and demand for spectator viewing for cyber security competitions.


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