Taking All Bets

Taking All Bets is a vanilla JavaScript game made for the web browser. The game is about the player going to gladiator matches to gamble against their rival, Gary. The player is given information, along with the ability to reveal more information about the match and make the opposing betters see the reverse of the odds, the player bets on whoever they think will win. If the player’s rival runs out of money, the player wins, however, if the player runs out of money, the rival wins. Taking All Bets was the final project for an undergraduate Web Development course, using JavaScript that manipulates the DOM.

Continuing Forward

I figured that this game was the perfect stepping stone for future projects. To start, I’ve taken the run down old AI format I was using and have started integrating a Reinforcement Learning algorithm to actually teach the AI to play the game better. Through this, I have learned a lot about the design and development of AI design, especially when it comes to the development of the world state and the way that we can further integrate machine learning techniques with games.


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